DWSH - AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright Short ETF

Insure Your Portfolio

Delivering protection to an investment portfolio during unexpected market downturns.

Symbol Exchange Inception Date CUSIP NAV Options Available
DWSH Nasdaq 7/10/2018 00768Y529 DWSH.NV Yes
About The ETF

While people often insure their most valuable possessions – cars, homes, jewelry, health, life – from loss or damage, they often overlook sheltering their investment portfolio from the harm of volatile markets. Using a short hedging strategy with a long equity portfolio may help to shield your financial investments from unexpected market downturns.

The AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright Short ETF (DWSH) uses an actively managed, relative strength investment strategy to sell short those securities demonstrating the lowest relative strength (aka highest relative weakness) within an investment universe comprised primarily of large-capitalization U.S.-traded equities. DWSH may be used to hedge long equity exposure and seek positive returns in declining equity markets. It is not an inverse fund.

What Is Relative Strength?

Relative strength is a way of recording historic performance patterns to identify momentum signals for current and future performance trends of a security versus an investment universe or benchmark. It is the comparison of price performance within a universe of securities to identify those that have appreciated more. Numerous studies by both academics and investment professionals have demonstrated that securities showing the greatest gains relative to their market often continue to outperform. Analyzing securities by their relative strength provides a way to identify the current market leaders – the securities leading the market and the ones you want to own. It also identifies those with the weakest relative strength – the laggards underperforming that you want to avoid or sell short. Nasdaq Dorsey Wright is recognized as a leader in relative strength analysis.

Why Invest in DWSH?
  • Hedging Tool – DWSH can be implemented as part of a long/short strategy, providing investors with a “buy and hold” alternative to hedge their long domestically-traded equity exposure against market downturns.
  • Alpha-Seeking Exposure – DWSH’s systematic and selective approach offers the potential to add alpha to an investment portfolio, especially during market corrections. Also, during severe market downturns and at certain technical levels, the strategy can seek to enhance its total return by allocating short exposure more broadly to the domestic equity market and shorting individual ETFs or futures contracts.
  • Different from Inverse Funds – Spreading your investment risk among equities not correlated to the broader market may help diversify and mitigate your overall portfolio risk. DWSH differs considerably from inverse fund investment strategies which are often subject to daily resets and indiscriminately sell short the top companies within a market-cap weighted index.
  • Strategy Diversification – DWSH’s systematic investment process seeks to limit unnecessary risk while maximizing relative weakness exposure. If a security becomes too large as a percentage of the portfolio, it is trimmed to bring it back in line with the other securities weights. The process also implements pre-determined stop prices for each position.
Where Can DWSH Fit in a Traditional Portfolio?

DWSH may be used to hedge long equity exposure and seek positive returns in declining equity markets.

Key Attributes
  • Dedicated Short Portfolio of Weakest Companies – DWSH typically has a modified equal weight portfolio of 75 – 100 U.S.-traded large cap equities that demonstrate the highest relative weakness according to Nasdaq Dorsey Wright’s proprietary relative strength model.
  • Systematic Approach –DWSH’s investment process is entirely systematic and designed to remove human emotion from the decision process. It allows for the ongoing analysis of a large universe of securities through diverse and changing markets.
  • Relative Strength/Weakness Analysis – DWSH uses relative strength investing, a repeatable process which compares price performance within a universe of stocks. Analyzing securities by their relative strength not only identifies the current market leaders, but also those with the weakest relative strength – the laggards underperforming the market that DWSH wants to sell short.
  • Disciplined Sell Process – Securities are automatically sold from the portfolio when they reach a predetermined sell price. This sell price is identified when the security is purchased and not adjusted for different market scenarios. The sell process is an entirely technical, systematic approach and takes the emotion out of the sell decision.
About the Portfolio Strategist

John G. Lewis, CMT | Nasdaq Dorsey Wright, Senior Portfolio Manager

Since joining Nasdaq Dorsey Wright in 2002, Mr. Lewis has developed relative strength and momentum strategies for the firm’s separately managed accounts, global asset allocation strategies, ETFs, and UITs. As one of the foremost experts on relative strength investing, Mr. Lewis has authored several original research papers on the subject. He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) and a member of the Market Technician’s Association and the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts. Mr. Lewis earned an M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Southern California and a B.A. from the University of San Diego. He began his career in the investment industry in 1994.

DWSH Overview 

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DWSH Overview

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Price History

Fund Data

NAV $6.94
Change $0.00
Shares Outstanding 1,955,000
Assets Under Management $13,571,682.11





Market Data

Closing Price $6.96
Close Change $0.00
Volume 9,287

Regulatory Data

Premium Discount $0.01
30-Day Median bid-ask Spread 0.004246
Premium/Discount Historical Data | NAV Historical Data | Daily Premium/Discount Historical Data

Shares are bought and sold at market price (closing price) not NAV and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Market price returns are based on the midpoint of the bid/ask spread at 4:00 pm Eastern Time (when NAV is normally determined), and do not represent the return you would receive if you traded at other times.



As of 12/31/2024

Source: Morningstar & AdvisorShares



As of 12/31/2024

  NAV Market Price Return S&P 500 Index
1 Month 5.99 6.30 -2.38
3 Months 4.28 4.22 2.41
YTD 5.88 5.84 25.02
1 Year 5.88 5.84 25.02
3 Years -1.29 -1.12 8.94
5 Years -18.45 -18.48 14.53
Since Inception (7/10/2018, Annualized) -15.76 -15.75 14.07

As of 12/31/2024

  NAV Market Price Return S&P 500 Index
1 Month 5.99 6.30 -2.38
3 Months 4.28 4.22 2.41
YTD 5.88 5.84 25.02
1 Year 5.88 5.84 25.02
3 Years -1.29 -1.12 8.94
5 Years -18.45 -18.48 14.53
Since Inception (7/10/2018, Annualized) -15.76 -15.75 14.07

Performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. All Fund data and performance data quoted is believed to be accurate, and unless otherwise stated, is sourced from the Fund administrator, the Advisor’s or Sub-Advisor’s proprietary data, and Morningstar. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original cost. Returns less than one year are not annualized.

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As of

Excel    CSV

Date Account Symbol Stock Ticker Security ID Security Description Shares Share Price Market Value Portfolio Weight Asset Group
01/07/2025 DWSH VSAT 92552V100 VIASAT INC -20,937 9.66 -202,251.42 -1.49% S
EL 518439104 ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES-CL A -2,308 74.17 -171,184.36 -1.26% S
CBRL 22410J106 CRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY -2,946 56.27 -165,756.69 -1.22% S
PTEN 703481101 PATTERSON-UTI ENERGY INC -18,282 8.62 -157,590.84 -1.16% S
SNAP 83304A106 SNAP INC - A -12,540 12.55 -157,377.00 -1.16% S
W 94419L101 WAYFAIR INC- CLASS A -3,347 46.04 -154,095.88 -1.13% S
EW 28176E108 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORP -2,088 73.64 -153,760.32 -1.13% S
WST 955306105 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES -461 332.53 -153,296.33 -1.13% S
SWKS 83088M102 SKYWORKS SOLUTIONS INC -1,650 92.66 -152,889.00 -1.13% S
M 55616P104 MACY'S INC -9,334 16.36 -152,704.24 -1.12% S
DLTR 256746108 DOLLAR TREE INC -2,034 75.01 -152,570.34 -1.12% S
QRVO 74736K101 QORVO INC -2,070 73.63 -152,414.10 -1.12% S
APA 03743Q108 APA CORP -6,421 23.66 -151,920.86 -1.12% S
CC 163851108 CHEMOURS CO/THE -8,025 18.76 -150,549.00 -1.11% S
IART 457985208 INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES HOLDING -6,778 22.15 -150,132.70 -1.11% S
LW 513272104 LAMB WESTON HOLDINGS INC -2,390 61.68 -147,415.20 -1.09% S
BMRN 09061G101 BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC -2,170 67.90 -147,343.00 -1.09% S
DAN 235825205 DANA INC -12,520 11.75 -147,110.00 -1.08% S
SVC 81761L102 SERVICE PROPERTIES TRUST -57,199 2.57 -147,001.43 -1.08% S
GT 382550101 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO -16,504 8.83 -145,730.32 -1.07% S
HUM 444859102 HUMANA INC -543 267.21 -145,095.03 -1.07% S
CACC 225310101 CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORP -310 466.28 -144,546.80 -1.06% S
XRAY 24906P109 DENTSPLY SIRONA INC -7,701 18.61 -143,315.61 -1.06% S
CE 150870103 CELANESE CORP -2,160 66.30 -143,208.00 -1.05% S
AAP 00751Y106 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC -3,106 45.99 -142,844.94 -1.05% S
LEG 524660107 LEGGETT & PLATT INC -14,382 9.83 -141,375.06 -1.04% S
DXCM 252131107 DEXCOM INC -1,780 79.35 -141,243.00 -1.04% S
CDW 12514G108 CDW CORP/DE -780 180.98 -141,164.40 -1.04% S
AGCO 001084102 AGCO CORP -1,539 91.63 -141,018.57 -1.04% S
ADNT G0084W101 ADIENT PLC -7,999 17.55 -140,382.45 -1.03% FS
ODFL 679580100 OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE -772 180.64 -139,454.08 -1.03% S
ENOV 194014502 ENOVIS CORP -3,112 44.76 -139,293.12 -1.03% S
SAGE 78667J108 SAGE THERAPEUTICS INC -23,210 5.98 -138,795.80 -1.02% S
REGN 75886F107 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS -190 730.30 -138,757.00 -1.02% S
ELV 036752103 ELEVANCE HEALTH INC -364 380.75 -138,593.00 -1.02% S
ST G8060N102 SENSATA TECHNOLOGIES HOLDING -4,870 28.42 -138,405.40 -1.02% FS
UHAL 023586100 U-HAUL HOLDING CO -1,975 69.27 -136,808.25 -1.01% S
INTC 458140100 INTEL CORP -6,825 20.01 -136,568.25 -1.01% S
CRI 146229109 CARTER'S INC -2,640 51.73 -136,567.20 -1.01% S
COTY 222070203 COTY INC-CL A -19,640 6.95 -136,498.00 -1.01% S
GPC 372460105 GENUINE PARTS CO -1,170 116.61 -136,433.70 -1.00% S
ALB 012653101 ALBEMARLE CORP -1,516 89.98 -136,409.68 -1.00% S
BG H11356104 BUNGE GLOBAL SA -1,750 77.81 -136,167.50 -1.00% FS
HII 446413106 HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDUSTRIE -720 189.05 -136,116.00 -1.00% S
CNC 15135B101 CENTENE CORP -2,170 62.61 -135,863.70 -1.00% S
BA 097023105 BOEING CO/THE -785 172.51 -135,420.35 -1.00% S
HAL 406216101 HALLIBURTON CO -4,880 27.75 -135,420.00 -1.00% S
ENTG 29362U104 ENTEGRIS INC -1,340 101.03 -135,380.20 -1.00% S
KSS 500255104 KOHLS CORP -9,776 13.82 -135,104.32 -1.00% S
OXY 674599105 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP -2,618 51.55 -134,957.90 -0.99% S
ALGN 016255101 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY INC -620 217.56 -134,887.20 -0.99% S
BF/B 115637209 BROWN-FORMAN CORP-CLASS B -3,691 36.23 -133,724.93 -0.98% S
MAN 56418H100 MANPOWERGROUP INC -2,350 56.58 -132,963.00 -0.98% S
RES 749660106 RPC INC -21,325 6.23 -132,854.75 -0.98% S
CVS 126650100 CVS HEALTH CORP -2,899 45.78 -132,716.22 -0.98% S
DG 256677105 DOLLAR GENERAL CORP -1,782 74.17 -132,170.94 -0.97% S
BIIB 09062X103 BIOGEN INC -859 153.15 -131,555.85 -0.97% S
AES 00130H105 AES CORP -10,150 12.95 -131,442.50 -0.97% S
NUS 67018T105 NU SKIN ENTERPRISES INC - A -19,118 6.86 -131,149.48 -0.97% S
IONS 462222100 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC -3,740 34.97 -130,787.80 -0.96% S
MTN 91879Q109 VAIL RESORTS INC -730 177.10 -129,283.00 -0.95% S
FLG 649445400 FLAGSTAR FINANCIAL INC -14,003 9.23 -129,247.69 -0.95% S
CGNX 192422103 COGNEX CORP -3,440 37.48 -128,931.20 -0.95% S
WFRD G48833118 WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL PL -1,720 74.80 -128,656.00 -0.95% FS
NOV 62955J103 NOV INC -8,620 14.89 -128,351.80 -0.95% S
TRIP 896945201 TRIPADVISOR INC -8,344 15.35 -128,080.40 -0.94% S
BRKR 116794108 BRUKER CORP -2,080 61.25 -127,400.00 -0.94% S
ADM 039483102 ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND CO -2,565 49.43 -126,787.95 -0.93% S
CABO 12685J105 CABLE ONE INC -354 357.79 -126,657.66 -0.93% S
DVN 25179M103 DEVON ENERGY CORP -3,620 34.69 -125,577.80 -0.92% S
CRL 159864107 CHARLES RIVER LABORATORIES -660 189.76 -125,241.60 -0.92% S
F 345370860 FORD MOTOR CO -12,720 9.76 -124,147.20 -0.91% S
RIG H8817H100 TRANSOCEAN LTD -29,640 4.16 -123,302.40 -0.91% FS
MUR 626717102 MURPHY OIL CORP -3,894 31.64 -123,206.16 -0.91% S
PRGO G97822103 PERRIGO CO PLC -4,910 24.95 -122,504.50 -0.90% FS
SLB 806857108 SCHLUMBERGER LTD -3,080 39.37 -121,259.60 -0.89% FS
PII 731068102 POLARIS INC -2,073 58.11 -120,462.03 -0.89% S
OI 67098H104 O-I GLASS INC -11,089 10.68 -118,430.52 -0.87% S
SIRI 829933100 SIRIUS XM HOLDINGS INC -5,068 23.10 -117,070.80 -0.86% S
TDC 88076W103 TERADATA CORP -3,739 31.29 -116,993.31 -0.86% S
LKQ 501889208 LKQ CORP -3,176 36.49 -115,892.24 -0.85% S
XRX 98421M106 XEROX HOLDINGS CORP -13,084 8.85 -115,793.40 -0.85% S
BEN 354613101 FRANKLIN RESOURCES INC -5,839 19.74 -115,261.86 -0.85% S
HPP 444097109 HUDSON PACIFIC PROPERTIES IN -41,864 2.75 -115,126.00 -0.85% S
MOS 61945C103 MOSAIC CO/THE -4,557 25.25 -115,064.25 -0.85% S
UPS 911312106 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE-CL B -916 124.98 -114,481.68 -0.84% S
TECH 09073M104 BIO-TECHNE CORP -1,507 74.77 -112,678.39 -0.83% S
IPGP 44980X109 IPG PHOTONICS CORP -1,496 74.81 -111,915.76 -0.82% S
LEA 521865204 LEAR CORP -1,172 94.89 -111,211.08 -0.82% S
WBA 931427108 WALGREENS BOOTS ALLIANCE INC -11,451 9.67 -110,731.17 -0.82% S
FMC 302491303 FMC CORP -2,143 51.13 -109,571.59 -0.81% S
MCHP 595017104 MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC -1,900 57.47 -109,193.00 -0.80% S
JELD 47580P103 JELD-WEN HOLDING INC -13,700 7.96 -109,052.00 -0.80% S
VC 92839U206 VISTEON CORP -1,230 86.59 -106,505.70 -0.78% S
NKE 654106103 NIKE INC -CL B -1,473 72.09 -106,188.57 -0.78% S
OLN 680665205 OLIN CORP -3,287 32.13 -105,611.31 -0.78% S
HLF G4412G101 HERBALIFE LTD -15,803 6.67 -105,406.01 -0.78% FS
DINO 403949100 HF SINCLAIR CORP -3,048 34.36 -104,729.28 -0.77% S
HAIN 405217100 HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP INC -18,680 5.46 -101,992.80 -0.75% S
HUN 447011107 HUNTSMAN CORP -6,010 16.96 -101,929.60 -0.75% S
CASH -1,992,675.02 100.00 -1,992,675.02 -14.68% CA
X9USDISLQ INVESCO GOVT AGENCY INSTL 1901 28,858,707.33 1.00 28,858,707.33 212.55% MM
Holdings and allocations are subject to risks and to change.

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Fees & Expenses

Management Fee 0.75%
Total Annual Operating Expenses 4.12%
Total Annual Operating Expenses After Recapture* 4.00%

*Total Annual Operating Expenses and Total Annual Operating Expenses After Recapture in this fee table may not correlate to the expense ratios in the Fund’s financial highlights. The Advisor has contractually agreed to reduce its fees and/or reimburse expenses to keep net expenses from exceeding 1.25% of the Fund’s average daily net assets for at least one year from the date of the Prospectus. The prospectus shows that the Advisor recaptured 0.05% during the most recent fiscal year, which is an expense of the Fund. For more information, please read the full prospectus.

Last Ten

Fund Distributions

        • Definitions:

          Alpha: One of the most commonly quoted indicators of investment performance, alpha, is defined as the excess return on an investment relative to the return on a benchmark index. 

          Short: A short, or a short position, is created when a trader sells a security first with the intention of repurchasing it or covering it later at a lower price.

          Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. This and other information is in the prospectus or summary prospectus, a copy of which may be obtained by visiting the Fund’s website at www.AdvisorShares.com. Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest. Foreside Fund Services, LLC, Distributor.

          The Fund is subject to a number of risks that may affect the value of its shares, including the possible loss of principal. Short sales are transactions in which the Fund sells a security it does not own. To complete the transaction, the Fund must borrow the security to make delivery to the buyer. The Fund is then obligated to replace the security borrowed by purchasing the security at the market price at the time of replacement. If the underlying security goes down in price between the time the Fund sells the security and buys it back, the Fund will realize a gain on the transaction. Conversely, if the underlying security goes up in price during the period, the Fund will realize a loss on the transaction. Any such loss is increased by the amount of premium or interest the Fund must pay to the lender of the security. Likewise, any gain will be decreased by the amount of premium or interest the Fund must pay to the lender of the security. Because a short position loses value as the security’s price increases, the loss on a short sale is theoretically unlimited. Short sales involve leverage because the Fund borrows securities and then sells them, effectively leveraging its assets. The use of leverage may magnify gains or losses for the Fund. As with any fund, there is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.